Homesick and FOMO

Today one of my best friends is getting married to his high school sweetheart. I’m missing it. Insert ugly crying images now. I’m so heartbroken to miss it. Moving so far away was hands down the best thing I could’ve ever done for myself, but days like this make it extra hard. It was peak COVID when I moved, so I wasn’t missing out on much of anything at first. There were no gatherings, no weddings allowed, etc.

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You know how if you’re looking for a red car, you’ll see a red car everywhere? That weird phenomenon where you see what you’re thinking about. ALL I SEE ARE RVs!!!! It’s like the universe is rubbing it in my face, ughhhh. Yes, there’s plenty of time, no need to rush, BUT April is just next week. Time really flies. Next year will be here in the blink of an eye.

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Hello Again!!!

Time flies when you’re having fun! I’m learning to be a better blogger but if you’ve found this blog thru my IG, I’m much better at updating my Instagram. Life happens and time really moves so fast. It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost a six months since I’ve been inspired to write a post! Weirdly, I need to be really inspired to write and face the emotions that come with writing for me.

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2,000+ miles one way. Maybe 2,000+ miles of driving during the entire stay. PORKY was a trooper. She gave us a smooth ride. I still can’t get over how fast she is! 🤩🏁 Our route on down to NOLA was south thru Roswell, NM, east into New brunfils/ Austin, thru Houston, Lafayette, and finally southeast to Lafitte! 🥳🤩. This route took us a full two days-WITH NO OVERNIGHT STOPS😱. Roswell was sleeping when we cruised thru so we’re planning to stop there again some time in our future travels.

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Introducing Porky

Good things take time. Everything happens for a reason. Just two of the things I keep repeating to myself when I’m in a mood and “feeling some type of way” about not having the original plan go as hoped. God’s timing and my idea of timing aren’t always the same 🥴. So, if you’ve been following along this far, I previously ranted about not having enough credit history for an RV, but was approved for a car.

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$$ Trouble

Only thing worse than bad credit history, is no credit history. RV shopping has come to an abrupt halt- indefinitely. The plan has changed again (insert hardddd eye roll). From a conversion van, to a class C, to a class A, to a car. A CAR!! (insert face palm). Do we need a car? Yes. Do we want a car? Maybe. Do we want a car more than an RV? NOOO!

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After spending so many years suppressing my true self (and parts that were beneficial to my authentic self) trying to save a marriage that was already lost, I promised myself that a huge part of this new journey was to adventure and travel and enjoy as many things and places as possible. I knew I had been living under a rock. I had a huge imposter complex as well. I was (and still am) hugely over independent due to the past.

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Author's picture

Melissa Castille

I’m Melissa! Traumatic things happen to all of us but how we heal from them is what changes us🥰 Follow my story of healing and how I’m chasing the greatest adventure of all time. 💜 Follow @traumatotravel on Instagram for pics🤩

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