Back at the beginning, let’s start with leaving everything and everyone I knew and loved behind. I had no plan until I had THE plan and that plan has turned out beyond my wildest dreams.

August 2020. My now ex-husband moved out of our house and into his girlfriend’s house (just down the street);I sold everything I could and moved the last of what I couldn’t sell into my parents’ house-again. To say that I was broken is truly putting it mildly. I hated the way that I felt but couldn’t make it stop. I had get far, far away from every memory (they were all lies, after all). So what started as a plan to leave with help, turned into a plan for leaving alone.

In roughly 4 weeks time I : applied for several and was offered the perfect job, applied for and was approved for the perfect starter apartment, and started planning for the things I’d need to purchase once relocating.

Sept 2020. I caught my plane on Thursday, signed my lease on Friday, spent all my money over the weekend 😂, and started my new job on Tuesday. I’d say I couldn’t have planned it better if I’d had tried!

On to post three!