Nolan. What a guy. Sure, “hoe keeper” sounds kinda bad BUT it’s all in good fun and fairly accurate.

Nolan entered scene around the end of Feb 2021. It was my ex’s bday, Mardi Gras should have been happening (but wasn’t.), and I was ready for a visit home to see my godchild. All that to say I needed a friend more than ever. The guy mentioned in the prev post has ghosted me at this point (on his own accord, he needed distance). So I was broken, more broken, and overthinking countless hurtful memories.

There’s Nolan.

We went to eat, we went for smoke drives, he let me control the radio, he listened to me vent about whatever could have been bothering me. Sometimes we’d go out, sometimes we didn’t talk for a week. I truly didn’t know what Nolan’s intentions were but I did know that Nolan was a great guy and I was glad to have him as a friend.

I am and will forever be thankful for Nolan. (@Nolan’s Insta handle).

Flash forward to early/mid April 2021. I had just got back to the springs from a 5 day visit home and was on a little binge of going out. I was hanging with a much younger guy at the time. The young ones don’t get attached 🤷🏻‍♀️😅 , what can I say! So, anyway, this young guy starts sounding like he’s going to ditch me for a party I couldn’t afford to get stuck at because I had work early the next day, so I got dropped off at a bar where Nolan was- at his friend’s going away party. Okay, cool. Going away party’s are always a good time.

Side note: the last few weeks that Nolan and I had been hanging out he would say things like “you’re just like my best friend.”, or “geez you sound just like my friend”, and “you and my friend are just alike, I can’t wait to introduce y’all”. So I go to the party to meet this friend that I’m just going to love-according to Nolan.

I walk into Shady’s lounge with Nolan and was introduced to the man of the hour and we’ve been inseparable ever since. 🤯 Nolan was right!

Nick was the “hoe of the hour”. He was planning to leave the country soon after this party was over. He’s a remotely based computer engineer. With no intention of settling down, he met me and changed his whole plan. 😵‍💫🙃 but hey, remember I was kicking it with that young kid when I met Nick too ……so here’s me “pot and the kettling” again 😅. (Hence why Nolan is the “hoe keeper”).

Nolan has accompanied us on many adventures in the beginning of our relationship and still continues to drop into our travel destinations. Nolan is my bestie for the restie, and he doesn’t have an option 🤣🤣🤣.